Wednesday, November 21, 2012

rockets just keep on coming

i'm pissed off. israel should not have stopped until they finished their mission.
i feel in my heart, however, israel is not going to stand for this. they know they are the only nation that others wish never existed. i think there will be special opps.
With the coming election which Netanyahu would certainly like to win, i dont think he will go against the will of the people.
the people in israel want the job done once and for all, and i agree!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


when a town in israel is hit by a rocket propelled from gaza, it is always aimed at, 'whatever'. when they shoot rockets they are bound to hit regular homes, schools and playgrounds. The gagan rockets, made in iran, are meant to hit and kill civilians. they knowingly do this.
Israel fires back, but  they try to hit important and strategic spots.  say the rafah crossing, which is used for the entrances of tunnels built underground.  these are the things israel expects... only peace and security.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Stop Gaza Rockets

why does Hamas and the palestinians feel that at any time they may, and will, fire rockets into israel?
When Israel defends herself, she is always blamed for the entire affair.  Israel is always blamed for the aggression. 
Now, of course there will always be many civilian casualties in Gaza because of the density of humanity.
Why doesnt jordan, egypt, and the arab muslim countries there open their arms and tell their muslim palestinian brothers to come, 'come our brothers, we will take you in and help you, you are welcome here'

where are their muslim brothers..  they are to busy trying to destroy israel to think of anyone, or anything else..


Sunday, November 18, 2012

the election

well, the election is over, that is in most of america. Arizona seems to be taking their time.
there has been an historic shift toward liberalism and against the tea party, which last voting period swept the government.
I believe the tea party has had it's time. The voting this time around made liberals proud to be liberals.
No longer will liberals stay in the background and apologize for their liberalism.  My liberalism.

thank God