This afternoon while browsing CNN's belief section, I came across an article which really got my dander up.
Michigan Pastor Kent Clark, oh, no no, of course you know him, apparently he is the man who tells us all who is, and is not, a DAH DAH Christian. So , he tells us No, Mitt Romney is not christian.
Mr. Clark introduced Santorum as the candidate, "a man who believes in a creator, not the accident of gas and dust..."
Rick Santorum, you will remember, wanted to puke when J.F.K said he would keep religion out of the public square. Clark agrees. Look at the difference between the man J.F.K. and Rick Santorum.
Here is another talking point from Pastor Clark.."We have built a wall of separation. This imaginary wall between church and state. I believe there is a sleeping giant, the christian church.l If it gets activated it's going to turn this country upside down and that's what this man (Santorum) will do.
My mind has a burning question. Maybe yours does too.
Why is the christian church the number one issue on Rick Santorum's list of things to do as president. What happened to... say, health care, Whoooops, I forgot- the pastor, who runs a homeless outreach (faith based) announces Santorum, because he is a man of faith ,understands social ills, are cured at the family level.
tax cuts
religious freedom and freedom from religion.
free speech, where as, I understand Christians according to Clark
* believe strongly god came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ" I don't.
Once again, we are torpedoed by religion. The wall will be exploded if Santorum gets his chance.
Who's god, which religion?
Rick, are you home??