Tuesday, January 20, 2015

the ICC

The ICC is bringing Israel to court for crimes against Humanity....   can someone tell me why Saudi Arabia does not have to enter this court.

Isnt Israel doing the same thing that Belgium just did by routing out terrorists?

Israel is in essence being  punished for fighting against terrorist acts against their country from terrorist which don't belong  to a country...

I don't know .... the world seems to be in a real topsy turvy way these days......

where will this ridiculous ridicule of Israel stop.... when France was attacked, and sat on edge for days with other attacks coming.....doesn't the world understand that these types of terrorist attacks are always emminant in Israel and when she fights back she is brought to the CRIMINAL  court?   this makes absolutely no sense at all......  calling the kettle black.....  what the heck?

Friendships Among Countries

I have a real problem with some of the friendships among countries. Could anyone imagine having a personal friend akin to Turkey. 
Now if you had a friend like the country of turkey you would forever be looking behind  your back to make sure that if another friend of turkey and turkey were at your home, Turkey's other friend didn't have a shiv or gun or grenade for that matter.
If you had Saudi Arabia as your personal friend you would be looking to see that you don't do anything that Saudi doesn't think is appropriate or what they deem sinful, otherwise you would or could receive a thousand lashes for a year.

Okay, so now Saudi Arabia is a 'friend' of the United States...do we want our friends to take part in unity and friendship marches and then go home and lash the hell out of someone for doing this very same thing that they had just marched in the streets about, saying everyone is united and must be tolerant of the other?
 Call me crazy, but shouldn't the U. S. be friendly with those who think and indeed act in good faith and in the same vain as the united states...

why are we allies with Turkey, and why is Saudi Arabia our friend and ally?  of course there are others in this list of schizophrenic friendships,  but  I have a real problem with this. 
I know it isn't just me....   but I wouldn't want those countries saying they had my back, when they could at any time stab me there......


Wednesday, June 19, 2013


If a majority of Americans are; in favor of a certain proposition, or pro-choice, or in favor of equal pay for equal work, or for the right to pick, love and marry who one chooses, why can a Right wing Conservative Congress person, or Senator, decide that, 'gee, i'm just not convinced of whatever it is these 'wrong thinking' MAJORITY' of Americans want.'
the Tea Party conservative base is still rather small compared to the Majority of Americans. Why is it then, that this small slice of the pie gets to tell the rest of the pie what to do, how to do it, and when to do it?
Senator Rand Paul, in particular, is one of the most outspoken of the Tea Party Conservative Republicans.. Repub lawmakers have said they would support immigration legislation only if there is rigorous border security. However, now they are skeptical about the immigration bill's proposal delegating the security system authority to the homeland security secretary, Janet Napolitano. after all, shouldn't border security be enforced by homeland security? Not according to Rand Paul. he wants border security to be under the authority of CONGRESS! and only a congressional vote can validate its success or failure. His final amendment, (and hopefully his last) will ensure that immigrants with provisional legal status cannot vote. federal election funding will only be given to states who check their voter rolls against visa data bases to insure provisional are not voting with citizens.
Most of those with 'legal status' are basically thought of as Hispanic, who usually vote as a dem block.
rand paul and his cohorts will and do anything to stop or make it nearly impossible for dems to get to voting polls.    conservative, dem, or independent, voting is not a privilege for those with money and means. voting is an American right. a pact: the participation and responsibility of the citizenry to the next generation, to the  Constitution and the continuation of a free and democratic society.,
thank you

Monday, June 17, 2013


mY EMAIL IS  debrabellink@hotmail.com
 there was a glitch..;
please be advised

thank you


When will people leave Jimmy Hoffa alone? they have tried to dig him up at one of the goals at giant stadium. they thought he was in a cement coffin.  now, once again they are looking for his body.
when are people going to let jimmy Hoffa rest in peace.
I know Hoffa was not the nicest of all people, but really, it is time to let his soul rest in peace,..

Jimmy, you aint the best of guys, but try to rest in peace.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Snowdon.............Hero or Traitor?

When I initially heard what snowdon had done I thought, hey,, this guy is a real hero.
as I thought about him and what he did often, as I am sure many of you have, the fact that he escaped to china, that  bothered me.
then I thought. this man was one of many who did the same job. why did he come forward and tell state secrets?  then he ran off to china. I find this, as bugs bunny would say, " a little screwy lewy,"


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Obama, american, president of the United States: Christian

President Barak Obama is not a Muslim. He is of the Christian faith and was born in Hawaii, USA.
Why is it that the Tea Party insists on saying over and over again that Obama is Muslim, and believes in Islam? Have they nothing better to do?  Have they nothing more important than to harp on this rediculous lie?
We, who have brains in our heads, and use these brains, know that barak obama is the legitimate president of the United States.