Wednesday, June 19, 2013


If a majority of Americans are; in favor of a certain proposition, or pro-choice, or in favor of equal pay for equal work, or for the right to pick, love and marry who one chooses, why can a Right wing Conservative Congress person, or Senator, decide that, 'gee, i'm just not convinced of whatever it is these 'wrong thinking' MAJORITY' of Americans want.'
the Tea Party conservative base is still rather small compared to the Majority of Americans. Why is it then, that this small slice of the pie gets to tell the rest of the pie what to do, how to do it, and when to do it?
Senator Rand Paul, in particular, is one of the most outspoken of the Tea Party Conservative Republicans.. Repub lawmakers have said they would support immigration legislation only if there is rigorous border security. However, now they are skeptical about the immigration bill's proposal delegating the security system authority to the homeland security secretary, Janet Napolitano. after all, shouldn't border security be enforced by homeland security? Not according to Rand Paul. he wants border security to be under the authority of CONGRESS! and only a congressional vote can validate its success or failure. His final amendment, (and hopefully his last) will ensure that immigrants with provisional legal status cannot vote. federal election funding will only be given to states who check their voter rolls against visa data bases to insure provisional are not voting with citizens.
Most of those with 'legal status' are basically thought of as Hispanic, who usually vote as a dem block.
rand paul and his cohorts will and do anything to stop or make it nearly impossible for dems to get to voting polls.    conservative, dem, or independent, voting is not a privilege for those with money and means. voting is an American right. a pact: the participation and responsibility of the citizenry to the next generation, to the  Constitution and the continuation of a free and democratic society.,
thank you

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