Thursday, March 1, 2012


Why do I feel as though next year will be 1954?
I know for a fact I am not three years old. Some how I am in a time warp.
Really?  contraception?  I thought I was protesting for women's rights in 1969. I thought contraception was available in 1963 or somewhere there about.
I am confused.
When I see Rick Santorum, and hear his speeches I think of the Scopes Monkey trials in Tennessee
What else, indeed, what tricks do the far right candidates have up their sleeves. What will we be rocked with?
Someone tell me. What is this war on religion the Republicans are talking about. I havent seen the bombs.
And too, I cannot call these right wingers Republicans.  This is a completely different Republican party  I don't know what to call it.

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