Wednesday, March 27, 2013

...And the Struggle Continues

If the struggle for inter-racial marriage had been left to individual states, the struggle would yet be living in a state by state uncertainty. Certainly, hopefully, the are  many of us who know deep in the heart of our souls that dismantling the Voting Rights Act would be a total disaster.
The point and reason being that individual states are, of course, comprised of individuals, all with different opinions and some hold to terrific prejudice.
The Supreme Court stands as the last bastion of protection for those who have long been steamrolled by old and ugly myths, superstition, hatred and though very far from last, religiosity.
The ferocity of fringe religious zealots would have gays put to death for loving another human being of the same sex. They say God hates those who are born gay or lesbian. I just can't imagine my God hating anyone, and certainly one who is innocent of the consequences his or her birth brought onto those who are different. God's love is all encompassing, yes my opinion, but I always thought and read and heard, God loves all of us, no matter how we are born. It is understood religion is, for this argument, important, BUT it is far from the central fact.
Marriage is a CIVIL right, and as all men and women are created equal, all should and must have the same rights regardless of 'what' we are, or how our births were celebrated.
Religion has nothing to do with our civil rights. In our country religion is a freedom, the right to freedom of religion, and freedom from others who wish to renew inquisitions on people and things they may be afraid of because they don't understand as individuals those who are different from themselves.
This land has no state sanctioned religion. To say same sex marriage is against one religion or another is moot. Religion must be plucked from the argument, especially in a court of law. Rather listen to the children, friends and all the loved ones of people struggling for the right to marry.
a civil right is open to all of us. No matter religion, or lack there of; race, or sexual orientation.
Say yes. Yes of course you too have the right to marry whomever you may love, and may good fortune and happiness follow you always.


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