The Jews, the Jews, the Jews.
Why the Jews?
Why are the Jews so hated?
I don't understand why, so maybe I write this to understand myself. I am a Jew.
Not all rich.
Not all smart.
Not all wheel dealers.
Not all sheisters.
Not all media owners. Newspapers, Hollywood. No.
Are not all humans, of all races, and nationalities the same in their dealing with money?
All have their own customs, traditions, values, ideals.
Why do the Jews and their customs, traditions, values, ideals, and ideology, threaten others so, to the point of hatred. A hatred that invokes others to want to murder Jews?
I dont believe it is hatred, or envy. I believe the idea that Jews do not embrace christ is one of the reasons for this disgust.
Christ a Jew himself. Does anyone, anyone, really believe christ, himself would have wanted his people to go through the sorrows, he went through?
No, Jews do not believe in christ. For us, he is not the messiah.
But do Jews turn it around and murder anyone who does not believe in our King of the universe? No, of course not.
Do we want to murder muslims because of their belief in Mohammad? No, of course not.
The thought of anyone wanting to do away with anyone because they are different. No matter the difference, in my own experience, are very sick. Mentally sick. Are muslims sick?, no, of course not, not all of any group is all of anything.
Christ asked for forgiveness. Does anyone really know who he was asking for forgiveness? Was it God. Was it the future christians, who became one of the ultimate group of haters of Jews.
Who knows for sure? Who will ever know for sure?
And so, who will ever know for sure, why it is the Jews are hated around the world.
Envy? why?
Someone, please answer the question of why.
I do not want to hear any of the old ancient adadges.
Someone, help me, to understand why I am hated, not when i am first met, but it is after, it is the look in the eyes. The things that are said when i am thought to be out of earshot.
The Jews, the Jews, the Jews.
Why the Jews?
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