Sunday, September 30, 2012
False Statement : Dems Have Abandoned God
One by one there was one thing they said at the end of their speeches. "God bless you, and God bless America."
I have heard pundints, and friends , tell me the Dems abandoned God and took the God plank out of our platform. I did watch, and not once did i hear this. i watched as they added some things, the right for women to chose, and have a safe and healthy abortion, the other was about Jerusalem and the fact that most of us (Democrats) believe Jerusalem was and will always be, the capital of Jerusalem.
Not once in three days, from five to eleven, or whatever time the convention gaveled goodnight, until the last night, I heard NOT ONE THING about the Democrats taking God out of our platform. We wouldn't think of taking God out of our platform, after all ,He helps us when we need him.
The statement that God was a plank pulled is an outright lie.
I would be much ablogged if someone would just come out and let me know, when it was spoken about, who spoke about it, and what exactly was said.
thank you so very much,
Friday, September 28, 2012
Republican party's intense show to Covet what Democrats have.
Yes, i agree, a photo i.d. is a good thing.... a gun license can allow you to vote....... a student i.d.?? No , not enough to vote. I dont remember the primaries being this tough in any primary state.
Those who are so envious of the fact that the president is seeming to pull away, dont be. It was Mitt Romney who showed himself to be uncaring, callous, heck his money doesnt even stay with him, it runs off to switzerland, or suns in the Cayman Islands.... i have been there, it actually is very beautifull, and had I been Romney's money, I too would love to vacation there.
I understand he actually does love beaches. During the Vietnam war Romney used his religion to get out of going to war, where tens of thousands of young men died, or came back... oh no, disabled is it? ah well, you better lift some weights so you can strengthen your arms in order to pull your own self up by your bootstraps, sorry man see ya' later. So i think we were in vietnam, and Romney no where in sight, because he was busy on the beach drawing gigantic hearts with Anne's name inside and he lay just inside the heart. Isn't this just so sweet.
Ah, it must be a great thing to be talking politics about a better way to park our yachts. All of us need this very pertinante information, and Mitt has also promised to get rid of 'tick born lyme disease.'.
i tell you what, if there was any way on this good green earth that i wake up Nov. 7th and romney is president, i'll just get into my wayback machine and set it to 1967. it was more fun the first time around, besides, i will also need to use those weights i spoke of before to limber up my arms to take up, once again, the battle for a woman's right to choose, the same money paid to a woman for working the same job.
I wonder, are any of you women out there, tired of older white men telling us what to do with our bodies? or what i may and maynot do inside my bedroom. as a concenting adult i should be able to choose who i love, not what i love. Climate change is not a hoax, it is not political football practice, but republicans seem to nix scientific facts for they do not fit into a neat easy box.
No science is the only way you can really, truly think that Dinosaurs and Men and Women and children lived at the same time?...
Science is so inconvienient, is it not?
The fact that all people need to eat in order not to starve, and to live. and if you just happen to be poor, you have been marked as a drag on the haves as they pay more which goes into the medicaid programs used for the poor. One such program is food stamps.. here is something that would help a poor family eat, to stay alive, stay healthy. i'm sorry if you feel this is an affront to you or your family.
Everyone needs health care, it is imperitive. Sorry, we dont have the money and so we are marked as a drag... I know a much more eloquent way of stating that we are a drag for the haves. Hitler made it popular with his move toward euthanasia, the T-4 program... what a beautiful way to say. "You ARE A USELESS eater, a drag on the haves... We could put them to sleep ,nicely and forever.
There, now how does that feel 'haves'? feel better now... no worries anymore about those who were a drag on you 'haves.'
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
bigotry and other mitts and ryans
it cracks me up .romney has taken so many jobs and sent them over seas. and really we dont know how many, but many many thousands. Now he has the nerve to say Obama went ahead and sent jobs overseas... hipocracy.. dripping.
Romney wants to be the CEO of the united states. He will do the same thing he did when bain and romney bought a business, then they broke it to pieces. sold off all of the businesses, because, all those businessess lost everysingle worker. More importantly, everysingle worker lost their job.
I just can't forget the one line, hitler could have interchanged with romney the other night, it would have been, that those who do not pay income tax, but take from the government, maybe we can think of that euthenasia laws
Here is something funny. you have a speaking appt with AARP. and you have the brilliant young and vigirous, sexy, against medicaire. you are slightly older, no you are about twenty years older.. and you think it is a good idea to send your younger and excersized to the max to go and speak to the AARP and tell them he will take away their insurance secure by government, medicaire.
They booed him... truly, they did.
Why would scott brown and his staff make fun of native american indians? he was 'caught' anyway she is to white according to scott brown to be american . really, now we are making fun of our native american indians.
todd akin,... legitimate rape... what's that...
i thought rape was rape.. he didnt listen to anyone, and he didnt leave the race, now reps are over the concern.. wow, talk about a short voter memory. This disgusting man WILL go ahead and run for senate.
I wonder why someone would want to make it hard to vote for him.
well, i think he wants a certain type of voter.
whats the difference, the more votes you get, then you are the winner right?
yeah, but he dont wanna have those voters, you know that guy who wants to be president? any way, i shoulda bet the bastard at ten thousand, i sure could use it.
a purge... an american citizen, has been purged off of the voter polls... the governor up held this and he is purged, but the governor is the same guy who is purging this guy..
anyone need a tissue yet....?
The new trolls which i shorten from trending polls, are trending toward obama.
and really why shouldnt they. Mitt romney has disappointed, embarrassed, many of those 47% who were for romney.What a really shitty thing to say mitt.. thats just for those who couldnt say or write what they were thinking, so i did it for them.
The early voting has begun..
and so does the presidential race for the white house.
Friday, September 21, 2012
The Simple Minded Half
****sorry, you’re on your own. Tough Stuff.
Mitt Romney would have us believe that seniors on medicare, the poor or the disabled on medicaid and food stamps,, the unemployed on unemployment insurance, injured veterans, are what the nazis called ‘useless eaters.’ In other words almost half of americans are lazy, shiftless, needy and unable to take responsibility for their lives, just because they have been hit by unfortunate circumstances or, by the grace of God, have grown older and wiser, they, ALL, shall be punished.
They will and must pay more taxes from money they do not have, while the very wealthy, those fortunate enough to have had wealthy parents who have given them a million dollar inheritence, from which they, as Ann Romney so pitifully put it, eeked out a meager existence eating tuna fish, and living in a basement apartment.
Ann Romney has never held a job. she has never had to. Mr. Romney was fortunate enough not to have had to take a loan for college, though his father who came from Mexico actually did pull himself up from his boot straps.
If mitt Romney became president, the elderly would be where they were before medicare was enacted.. food stamps would disappear, pell grants for college would be cut. A woman’s right to choose ,gone.. even if she is raped, or impregnated by incest.
Mitt Romney reminds me of the French King and the french revolution…. we will eat cake.
He will run this country the same way he went into other companies. Cut the useless, medicare, medicaid, food stamps, unemployment benefits. head start programs for children, healthcare, bring back caps on health insurance , repeal the dream act and the fair pay act. All women’s clinics will be closed.
I am wondering if there would be a president romney who would take the vote away from women. After all, he does feel, as does the republican platform, that women apparently cannot think for themselves.
Voter supression is a dangerously real affair.
Here in north carolina, a non profit organization which is in reality a business, is sending form letters to democratic voters, telling them they are sorry , but they have been declared DEAD, and therefore may not vote!!!!
This is the most crucial vote in United States history. The American way is on the line. There is also the immediate chance of the pick of another supreme court Justice.
We cannot afford Romney as president, we literally cannot afford him, not at this juncture of american history.
Please join with me to keep this country free. free for all to be able to vote. For the elderly to live in dignity in their retirement years, to take care of those who cannot care for themselves. Not everyone CAN pull themselves up. Remember some americans have no arms..
this is a country that has always taken care of our own.;
Vote, don’t mope, don’t hope, don’t leave it to the other to vote…… you MUST VOTE.