Sunday, September 30, 2012

False Statement : Dems Have Abandoned God

I watched the entire Democratic convention on c-span.   For anyone who knows c-span, they have open mikes and show everything. Now, i watched from day one when the gavel came down at five o'clock when the first speaker of the day began his talk.
One by one there was one thing  they said at the end of their speeches. "God bless you, and God bless America."
I have heard pundints, and friends , tell me the Dems abandoned God and took the God plank out of our platform. I did watch, and not once did i hear this.  i watched as they added some things,  the right for women to chose, and have a safe and healthy abortion,  the other was  about Jerusalem  and the fact that most of us (Democrats) believe Jerusalem was and will always be, the capital of Jerusalem.
Not once in three days, from five to eleven, or whatever time the convention gaveled goodnight, until the last night,  I heard NOT ONE THING about the Democrats taking God out of our platform.  We wouldn't think of taking God out of our platform, after all ,He helps us when we need him.
The statement that God was a plank pulled is an outright lie.
I would be much ablogged if someone would just come out and let me know, when it was spoken about, who spoke about it, and what exactly was said.

thank you so very much,


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