Friday, August 31, 2012

The Seventeenth Amendment


Call them the seventeenthers, or call them the GOP, Republicans or Teaparty Conservatives, Or call, well, one, Flake. Arizona Rep- (R) Arizona, Jeff Flake.
The seventeenth amendment guarantees voters the right to vote in, their own senators. The GOP, Flake and at least one Supreme court Justice must feel that democracy is bad or wrong. There are some things they don't like, like the people actually voting their own state senators in or out.
In their fashion, the pubs want the poor to do nothing more than disappear.
Let's take a look at Senator Mike Lee's policies for the unbelievable. These are just a few of the government programs he would like to see gone, as they violate the constitution.
Federal child labor laws
Food Stamps
Medicaid assistance for the poor
Social Security

Justice Antonin Scalia is a deeply partisan and activist judge. He too would like to see Senate elections abolished. To think he wants the constitution changed and any voter's rights taken away is absolutely chilling.
We know now the Conservative GOP is trying in most states to purge and cut voters from the roles. But it isn't about all the voters. Only minorities, poor, elderly, students, and all those who just may vote for democrat, President Obama. It is clear the republicans want to suppress democrat votes  They have now lost their lawsuits in two states at least. Ohio, and Texas... hmm Texas, at least their judges have brains.

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