Friday, September 21, 2012

The Simple Minded Half

****sorry, you’re on your own. Tough Stuff.

five star lady

Mitt Romney would have us believe that seniors on medicare, the poor or the disabled on medicaid and food stamps,, the unemployed on unemployment insurance, injured veterans, are what the nazis called ‘useless eaters.’ In other words almost half of americans are lazy, shiftless, needy and unable to take responsibility for their lives, just because they have been hit by unfortunate circumstances or, by the grace of God, have grown older and wiser, they, ALL, shall be punished.

They will and must pay more taxes from money they do not have, while the very wealthy, those fortunate enough to have had wealthy parents who have given them a  million dollar inheritence, from which they, as Ann Romney so pitifully put it, eeked out a meager existence eating tuna fish,  and living in a basement apartment.

Ann Romney  has never held a job. she has never had to.  Mr. Romney was fortunate enough not to have had to take a loan for college, though his father who came from Mexico actually did pull himself up from his boot straps.

If mitt Romney became president, the elderly would be where they were before medicare was enacted..  food stamps would disappear, pell grants for college would be cut. A woman’s right to choose ,gone.. even if she is raped, or impregnated by incest.

Mitt Romney reminds me of the French King and the french revolution….   we will eat cake.

He will run this country the same way he went into other companies.  Cut the useless, medicare, medicaid, food stamps, unemployment benefits. head start programs for children, healthcare, bring back caps on health insurance , repeal the dream act and the fair pay act. All women’s clinics will be closed.

I am wondering if there would be a president romney who would take the vote away from women. After all, he does feel, as does the republican platform, that women apparently cannot think for themselves.

Voter supression is a dangerously real affair.

Here in north carolina, a non profit organization which is in reality a business, is sending form letters to democratic voters, telling them they are sorry , but they have been declared DEAD, and therefore may not vote!!!!

This is the most crucial   vote in United States history.  The American way is on the line. There is also the immediate chance of the pick of another supreme court Justice.

We cannot afford Romney as president,  we literally cannot afford him, not at this juncture of american history.

Please join with me to keep this country free.  free for all to be able to vote. For the elderly to live in dignity in their retirement years, to take care of those who cannot care for themselves.  Not everyone CAN pull themselves up.  Remember some americans have no arms..   

this is a country that has always taken care of our own.;

Vote,  don’t mope, don’t hope, don’t leave it to the other to vote……   you MUST  VOTE.

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