Wednesday, June 19, 2013


If a majority of Americans are; in favor of a certain proposition, or pro-choice, or in favor of equal pay for equal work, or for the right to pick, love and marry who one chooses, why can a Right wing Conservative Congress person, or Senator, decide that, 'gee, i'm just not convinced of whatever it is these 'wrong thinking' MAJORITY' of Americans want.'
the Tea Party conservative base is still rather small compared to the Majority of Americans. Why is it then, that this small slice of the pie gets to tell the rest of the pie what to do, how to do it, and when to do it?
Senator Rand Paul, in particular, is one of the most outspoken of the Tea Party Conservative Republicans.. Repub lawmakers have said they would support immigration legislation only if there is rigorous border security. However, now they are skeptical about the immigration bill's proposal delegating the security system authority to the homeland security secretary, Janet Napolitano. after all, shouldn't border security be enforced by homeland security? Not according to Rand Paul. he wants border security to be under the authority of CONGRESS! and only a congressional vote can validate its success or failure. His final amendment, (and hopefully his last) will ensure that immigrants with provisional legal status cannot vote. federal election funding will only be given to states who check their voter rolls against visa data bases to insure provisional are not voting with citizens.
Most of those with 'legal status' are basically thought of as Hispanic, who usually vote as a dem block.
rand paul and his cohorts will and do anything to stop or make it nearly impossible for dems to get to voting polls.    conservative, dem, or independent, voting is not a privilege for those with money and means. voting is an American right. a pact: the participation and responsibility of the citizenry to the next generation, to the  Constitution and the continuation of a free and democratic society.,
thank you

Monday, June 17, 2013


 there was a glitch..;
please be advised

thank you


When will people leave Jimmy Hoffa alone? they have tried to dig him up at one of the goals at giant stadium. they thought he was in a cement coffin.  now, once again they are looking for his body.
when are people going to let jimmy Hoffa rest in peace.
I know Hoffa was not the nicest of all people, but really, it is time to let his soul rest in peace,..

Jimmy, you aint the best of guys, but try to rest in peace.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Snowdon.............Hero or Traitor?

When I initially heard what snowdon had done I thought, hey,, this guy is a real hero.
as I thought about him and what he did often, as I am sure many of you have, the fact that he escaped to china, that  bothered me.
then I thought. this man was one of many who did the same job. why did he come forward and tell state secrets?  then he ran off to china. I find this, as bugs bunny would say, " a little screwy lewy,"


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Obama, american, president of the United States: Christian

President Barak Obama is not a Muslim. He is of the Christian faith and was born in Hawaii, USA.
Why is it that the Tea Party insists on saying over and over again that Obama is Muslim, and believes in Islam? Have they nothing better to do?  Have they nothing more important than to harp on this rediculous lie?
We, who have brains in our heads, and use these brains, know that barak obama is the legitimate president of the United States.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Is Michelle Bachmann Kidding?

Who is Michelle Bachmann trying to kid?
Her ridiculous comments on a myriad of statements and low turnout for her in her last election may have something to do with her decision to not run again.
camps, death shots instead of vaccine, who is and is not American in the senate...  God has saved us once again.. Good luck and good bye Michelle.  But...  she was the head of the tea party... so what will she do next?  she says her possibilities are limitless... uh oh!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

We’re living in an Ayn Rand economy

We’re living in an Ayn Rand economy. that we are. the republicans are making this book come true. to do this they must plan to destroy the united states...except of course the rich wont be involved, they want to be, and they wont know the difference.
It will be we, the little people, who were supposed to be THE people, who will suffer the most.  the suffering has just begun.
the republican goal even before his second election was to stop this president at every turn, they said it out loud, Mitch McConnell said it the most and the loudest.  and that is exactly what they are doing.
It isnt the president by himself that gets scr@wd, it is also we the people who get scr@wd.



Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Once Again-My Puzzlement is Quite Painfull

U.N. special investigator Richard Falk had the audacity today to blame us! the united states, for the boston bombings.  He points to America's status as a super power, and the worn, tired argument, or debate, if you will, of our alliance with Israel.
Falk stated, "as long as tel aviv has the ear of American political establishment, those who wish for peace, and justice...should not rest easy."
It is generally known that Richard falk is an anti-Semite. the british mission has extended concerns over falk's anti-semetic remarks; not once, not twice, but three separate times. three times. one wonders, just how many times will he be allowed to be admonished for this and continue to serve as a special investigator since it is obvious he is not neutral by his own speech. he likens Israel to Nazi Germany.
Richard falk's allegation that "people who wish for justice and peace shouldn't rest easy," should have finished his entire thought which was; those who wish for justice and peace shouldn't rest easy--IF, if Israel is allowed to survive as it does, as a Jewish state, and that is the entire ball of nuts all wrapped up in waxed paper, nicely and neatly.
So, does mr. falk believe people would only receive peace and justice if Israel is over run by hamas, Palestinians, and radical islam who come bearing sharia law. wherever  radical islam takes hold, sharia blankets everyone, most especially women.
in the most simple words, Richard falk would rather see women stoned to death, or burned over a pire for showing an ankle. a thief would have a hand cut off, and a government and the law would turn their heads when a woman is raped, and then deemed guilty of her own rape and executed. all of this he would rather, then to see Israel, a country very much like our own, in fact called 'western', having the same enemies as we. a country which fights for the same things, the same values as we, peace and justice, survive.
this thinking is irrational, discriminatory, hateful and frankly, somewhat NUTTY! I am trying my best to be....kind.  hopefully this will get a better response than my usual rant and rave...  oh, have no fear, this will be my only...kind  of writing, surely on this particular subject.
thank you

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Shame on Jeff Flake

Jeff Flake, you have big ones, I've got to hand it to you.
How did it feel to receive a letter from the mother of  a young man, murdered in Aurora, pleading for you to vote FOR background checks when buying a gun.
You wrote her a letter back, telling her you agreed with her, and that you would vote for background checks.
Hypocrite, worse... you turned right around and voted against, AGAINST background checks.  even J. Mccain voted for the checks.
Don't you have any conscience  at all, sir?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

writer digging deepwhat is with Rush and O’Reily ?

O’Riely puts gay and lesbian marriage to ducks… that was eight years ago.. today, he is… don’t faint, for gay marriage.

Rush is very upset. he doesn’t even speak the name of O’Riely.

bill hates  those who change their mind on an issue. 

If an issue is popular, and especially if it be a civil rights issue, we all must open out minds, and hearts, think! be tolerant..

this is a civil right. a civil right. this has nothing to do with religion, take it out of the equation.



...And the Struggle Continues

If the struggle for inter-racial marriage had been left to individual states, the struggle would yet be living in a state by state uncertainty. Certainly, hopefully, the are  many of us who know deep in the heart of our souls that dismantling the Voting Rights Act would be a total disaster.
The point and reason being that individual states are, of course, comprised of individuals, all with different opinions and some hold to terrific prejudice.
The Supreme Court stands as the last bastion of protection for those who have long been steamrolled by old and ugly myths, superstition, hatred and though very far from last, religiosity.
The ferocity of fringe religious zealots would have gays put to death for loving another human being of the same sex. They say God hates those who are born gay or lesbian. I just can't imagine my God hating anyone, and certainly one who is innocent of the consequences his or her birth brought onto those who are different. God's love is all encompassing, yes my opinion, but I always thought and read and heard, God loves all of us, no matter how we are born. It is understood religion is, for this argument, important, BUT it is far from the central fact.
Marriage is a CIVIL right, and as all men and women are created equal, all should and must have the same rights regardless of 'what' we are, or how our births were celebrated.
Religion has nothing to do with our civil rights. In our country religion is a freedom, the right to freedom of religion, and freedom from others who wish to renew inquisitions on people and things they may be afraid of because they don't understand as individuals those who are different from themselves.
This land has no state sanctioned religion. To say same sex marriage is against one religion or another is moot. Religion must be plucked from the argument, especially in a court of law. Rather listen to the children, friends and all the loved ones of people struggling for the right to marry.
a civil right is open to all of us. No matter religion, or lack there of; race, or sexual orientation.
Say yes. Yes of course you too have the right to marry whomever you may love, and may good fortune and happiness follow you always.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hungary on the Brink

Hungary and Greece are the only countries on earth containing Neo-Nazis in their government.
Hungarian municipalities have erected statues and named streets and squares honoring Miklos Horthy, who sent 450,000 Hungarian Jews to their death during the Holocaust.Horthy is a hero to the Hungarian people, obviously.
80% of Greek and Hungarian populations favor deportation of foreigners.
Foreigners. So, once more, Jews are foreigners in their own country.
It is important to remember history, especially as it relates to the distant, yet recent history of the holocaust as it began in Germany during the rise of Hitler. Jews  were deemed a people without a country, even though their history in Germany reach back as far as one thousand years.
 the link to this blog post can be read @

Monday, March 25, 2013

Golden Dawn

Golden Dawn. The sound is beautiful, no? The answer in this case is a resounding NO!
For golden dawn, is one of  the largest surge of the Nazi Party, which is now exploding in Greece.
Extremist and violently anti-Semetic, Golden Dawn has parliamentary representation. Of course the group denies the fact  of the Holocaust.
In Greek the group name still sounds nice, 'Chrysi Avgi'.
Please read the entire article. It may be one of the most important articles you will read in the next several months.
the article in it's entirety  can be found at this url address :
thank you for your interest.
