Wednesday, September 26, 2012

bigotry and other mitts and ryans

it was good to see mitt out there... then he threw the mike to non other than 'ryan,  yeah yeah   yeah, its romney ryan, romney ryan, everyone, romney ryan. What are your people high?, they cant remember who the heck was on top.  hmmmm.  well, we wont go there.   as he gets the mike back, i believe at a different , Mitt decided to throw the mike out to, who?,  I need a larger ear to hear this one.who,  anyway he got to speak in the stead of romney.

it cracks me up .romney has taken so many jobs and sent them over seas.  and really we dont know how many, but many many thousands. Now he has the nerve to say Obama went ahead and sent jobs overseas...  hipocracy..   dripping. 

Romney wants to be the CEO of the united states.  He will do the same thing he did when bain and romney bought a business, then they broke it to pieces. sold off all of the businesses, because, all those businessess lost everysingle worker. More importantly, everysingle worker lost their job.

I just can't forget the one line, hitler could have interchanged with romney the other night, it would have been, that those who do not pay income tax, but take from the government, maybe we can think of that euthenasia laws 

Here is something funny.  you have a speaking appt with AARP.   and you have the brilliant young  and vigirous, sexy, against medicaire.  you are slightly older, no you are about twenty years older.. and you think it is a good idea to send your younger and excersized to the max to go and speak to the AARP and tell them he will take away their insurance secure by government, medicaire.
They booed him...  truly, they did.

Why would scott brown and his staff make fun of native american indians?  he was  'caught'       anyway she is to white according to scott brown to be american . really, now we are making fun of our native american indians.

todd akin,...  legitimate rape...   what's that...
i thought rape was rape.. he didnt listen to anyone, and he didnt leave the race, now reps are over the concern..  wow, talk about a short voter memory.  This disgusting man WILL go ahead and run for senate.

I wonder why someone would want to make it hard to vote for him.
well, i think he wants a certain type of voter.
whats the difference, the more votes you get, then you are the winner right?
yeah, but he dont wanna have those voters, you know that guy who wants to be president?  any way, i shoulda bet the bastard at ten thousand,  i sure could use it.

a purge... an american citizen,  has been purged off of the voter polls...     the governor up held this and he is purged,  but the governor is the same guy who is purging this guy..

anyone need a tissue yet....?

The new trolls  which i shorten from trending polls, are trending toward obama.
and really why shouldnt they.  Mitt romney has disappointed, embarrassed, many of those 47% who were for romney.What a really shitty thing to say mitt..  thats just for those who couldnt say or write what they were thinking, so i did it for them.
The early voting has begun.. 
and so does the presidential race for the white house.

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