Friday, September 28, 2012

Republican party's intense show to Covet what Democrats have.

Voter Fraud!  the number one reason for changing voter laws. However, those who really have a line on fraud, and just how much is going on,or has been going on. LISTEN, voter fraud is minimal. There was no reason for the drastic changes which republicans have called for. 
Yes, i agree, a photo i.d. is a good thing.... a gun license can allow you to vote.......  a student i.d.??  No , not enough to vote.  I dont remember the primaries being this tough in any primary state.
Those who are so envious of the fact that the president is seeming to pull away, dont be.  It was Mitt Romney  who showed himself to be uncaring, callous, heck his money doesnt even stay with him, it runs off to switzerland, or suns in the Cayman Islands....   i have been there, it actually is very beautifull, and had I been Romney's money, I too would love to vacation there.
I understand he actually does love beaches. During the Vietnam war Romney used his religion to get out of going to war, where tens of thousands of young men died, or came back...  oh no,  disabled is it? ah well, you better lift some weights so you can strengthen your arms in order to pull your own self up by your bootstraps, sorry man see ya' later.  So i think we were in vietnam, and Romney no where in sight, because he was busy on the beach drawing gigantic hearts with Anne's name inside and he lay just inside the heart.   Isn't this just so sweet.
Ah, it must be a great thing to be talking politics about a better way to park our yachts.  All of us need this very pertinante information, and Mitt has also promised to get rid of 'tick born lyme disease.'.
i tell you what, if there was any way on this good green earth that i wake up Nov. 7th and romney is president, i'll just get into my wayback machine and set it to 1967.  it was more fun the first time around,  besides, i will also need to use those weights i spoke of before to limber up my arms to take up, once again, the battle for a woman's right to choose, the same money paid to a woman for  working the same job.
I wonder, are any of you women out there,  tired of older white men telling us what to do with our bodies? or what i may and maynot do inside my bedroom. as a concenting adult i should be able to choose who i love, not what i love.  Climate change is not a hoax, it is not political football practice, but republicans seem to nix scientific facts for they do not fit into a neat easy box.
No science is the only way you can really, truly think that Dinosaurs and Men and Women and children lived at the same time?...  

Science is so inconvienient, is it not?

The fact that all people need to eat in order not to starve, and to live.   and if you just happen to be poor, you have been marked as a drag on the haves as they pay more which goes into the medicaid programs used for the poor.  One such program is food stamps..  here is something that would help a poor family eat, to stay alive, stay healthy.  i'm sorry if you feel this is an affront to you or your family.
Everyone needs health care, it is imperitive.  Sorry, we dont have the money and so we are marked as a drag...   I know a much more eloquent way of stating that we are a drag for the haves.   Hitler made it popular with his move toward euthanasia, the T-4 program...  what a beautiful way to say. "You ARE A USELESS eater, a drag on the haves...  We could put them to sleep ,nicely and forever.  
There, now how does that feel 'haves'?   feel better now...  no worries anymore about those who were a drag on you 'haves.'

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