Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Truth of Lies

On my facebook page, which i don't know the address; I know, I know
know, i know
anyway i found the Truth of Lies. I did. Whether Ryan was washing a few clean dishes...MATTERS.  Whether you help your neighbor...MATTERS. Having a man who makes a decision and sticks with it , IF he is RUNNing for president of the USA? that MATTERS.
If a person, who has never had to worry about where his next mean will come from and he is ruNNING for PREZ MATTTTTTERS!
people who do not want anyone to listen to science, and will just let the FACTs be that, FACTS,.... and he is runn'''''''that MATTERS. a person who could take away a womans right to keep her body from being invaded by the Government matters.

Ladies... these people dont want grownups, men, scientists, to say or know the truth. why in the world  would WOMEN run toward or vote for a man like this.
The poor, under a Romney, by poor i speak of , from my own life, living on medicaid. I am grateful to my children for giving me a roof. Giving and not expecting anything
if my medicaid is taken away, i become a burden to my gracious and generous family. what i wonder then will happen.
it would be a must to get a babysitter for a few hours a day, while children where with ME.
Medicaid makes it possible for me to keep myself healthy.
I buy my own food, and by, for me,n 'cest pa also for whoever in the house wants. 
if romney takes my medicaid, i wont be able to have a checkup by a doctor.
I couldnt pay for the many medications i take.
It isnt really that i want to sit and tell my very personal situation. I feel i must yell out, call out.....  The  running Candidate has no joggin' cloths on man!

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