Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Why isn't The President thanked for what he HAS done?

President Obama has done much. Most of what he has done has been for the good of the people. The young, the old, the poor, and immigrants who were born here, or brought when so young they didn't know they were not in fact Americans.
The president has lenghthened the time for the viability of Medicare.
He has enacted the dream act, making those immigrant children mentioned above, americans.
Mr. Obama has put more money into the Pell grant. Money which given by the government to those who need help going to college. This money does not have to be paid back.
He has given Small businesses tax breaks over twenty times.
He has said "absolutely no" to chinese companies who wanted to build wind energy turbines near our own bases.
Govenor Romney harangues about the Obama administration closing manufacturing and sending it and the jobs to China.In actuality  it was Romney who broke up businesses and send those jobs to china. the chinese work for under one dollar an hour.
The president wants to close loop holes for those investments overseas, bring back those manufacturing plants, and the jobs here to the states.
Mr. Obama stressed and was able to pass the affordable care act. or if you like, obamacare. Health care for all who cannot afford it. those who can afford insurance, should pay. that seems fair.
those who get paid over twohundred and fiftythousand and over dollars should give back on a sliding scale of the amount you make, is what you should give back, into government, to help those who cannot help themselves. that seems fair.
He is not going to take food stamps
He will not disasemble medicare or medicaid.
The President was handed a complete catastrophe economically when he got into office only four few short years ago. It is getting better, but the president needs more time, we, need to give him that time, or we will make a terrible mistake as a country, and we will be right back where Mr. Obama had to start building again... what then   , well we must give this once in a generation president enough time to do what it is he started.

The debate is over. In my opinion is Mr. Obama won. How? by telling the truth, and going over what it is that this president has already has done and begun.

vote...  in north carolina voting starts the eighteenth of october.
vote with your head, research the different party platform.  inform yourself, this is one of the most important points..inform yourself.
Women don't let your hard earned rights be taken away.
Don't allow for the poor to suffer even more than they do.
Give children, all children, a fair shake in this country. we owe them this.
you owe it to them to vote... vote with your heart.  you know what the right thing to do is.  you know it isnt the right thing to take away somethings which can help the poor, or those who want a hand up, ot a hand out.

thank you


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