Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Vote the Platform ! ONE

Dont vote the president, vote the platform.

the GOP platform wants to change medicare into a voucher program. this would put medicare up into the air, and a catch as catch can and in my opinion would scare and confuse seniors. they simply wouldnt have the safe, secure knowing, that medicare is not there.

The GOP would overturn Roe vs. Wade, and take away a woman's right to choose. in other words, abortion would become illegal and the woman who choses to go ahead with a procedure which can be one of the toughest she can go through, can be arrested, along with the doctor who preforms the procedure.

the GOP would take away the food stamp program,funding for children who get free lunches at school, medicaid and all funding for the programs that assist the poor, the needy, and those who do not have the ability to 'pick their ownselves UP from their bootstraps".  Essentialy the needy, poor, disabled will be on their own without any help.

The GOP will cut the pell grants, which Obama just added too, and do away with 'the dream act' for children of immigrents whose children, through no fault of their own,are illegals. their children grow up and fight in the wars, come home and then cant go to a college because they are illegal. Obama has just fixed this. "The Dream Act" has made these children American citizens. this will be reversed if the GOP platform is set in motion.

the GOP seems to be steadfast in their hawkish ways. they speak of war with Iran.  Another war. do you want another war.  that wont bring down the deficit, it will add to it several trillions.

the GOP if elected, will be in position to put one or two new Supreme court justices on the bench. This will turn the bench to the right. To far right for this country to stay The United STates as we know it.

The GOP has on their platform personhood, which they want to add to the constitution.  Personhood means a zygote would have the same rights as me or you. A zygote are a few cells clumped together which will eventually be a baby. In the zygote stage, a woman does not know yet that she is pregnant, yet if by some reason she has a miscarriage she can be charged with manslaughter...!

The GOP platform will put an add on to the constitution making marriage between a man and a woman only. That slashes the rights for those born lesbian or homosexual. It would also recinde those marriages which have already taken place between two men or two women. That would be a tradgedy.

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