Friday, October 5, 2012

Vote The Platform !- TWO

Vote the Platform

The Democratic Platform is this :

Equal opportunity for all citizens, regardless of religion,color, or who you love.

Rewarding hard work with a living wage, and the same wage for a woman who works the same job as a man.

A tax system that is fair. Millionaires and Billionairs can and should pay more tax revenue into the federal and state system to pay for services they ultimately use as well ; police, fire, emergency services, fixing roads, bridges, old and broken water pipes, etc.

Real family values. The bread and butter issues that are not just a political slogan. Help for the poor, healthcare, food, childcare, education, some of the most important issues there are. Quality education that gives all Americans an opportunity to reach their own potential.

Freedom FROM government interference in our PRIVATE lives and PERSONAL  decisions.

Our diverse population IS a benefit.

Seperation of Church and State. The freedom to pursue your belief as you see it. That means that this platform allows for you to believe in God, and not to if that is your choice or belief.

Reforms that give us cleaner and safer air and water.

Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

This is a nation where every citizen has the opportunity to succeed.

A strong United States

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